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<系列報導 1> Serial Report: <UN- Fighting Hunger Worldwide > 聯合國 糧食援助計畫 Please Support - UN -World Hunger Relief ...
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UN- Fighting Hunger Worldwide
<系列報導 1> Serial Report:
WFP fights hunger worldwide, saving lives
during emergencies while building
a better future for the next generation.
WFP reaches hungry people wherever and
WFP reaches hungry people wherever and
whenever we are needed the most.
We’re funded solely by voluntary donations.
< UN - WFP Video Link >
WFP Logistics
Delivering food by land, sea and air, WFP Logistics is the essential link in feeding 90 million people worldwide every year. Our corporate video shows WFP Logistics in action.
Video Link>
WFP and Climate Change
More frequent natural disasters due to climate change threaten to increase hunger and malnutrition and will disproportionally affect the most vulnerable people, particularly women and girls. WFP's sophisticated tools help governments and communities predict the onset of natural disasters, prepare for them and take measures to cushion their impact.
More frequent natural disasters due to climate change threaten to increase hunger and malnutrition and will disproportionally affect the most vulnerable people, particularly women and girls. WFP's sophisticated tools help governments and communities predict the onset of natural disasters, prepare for them and take measures to cushion their impact.
Video Link>
Japan quake: how WFP is helping
Providing emergency food for evacuees, transporting aid, building tents and shelters. See how WFP has been helping Japan to recover from the devastating earthquake and tsunami which hit the nation in March
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